Pitta is one of the three Doshas which are well known to govern metabolism and the transformation of the body. Pitta controls the digestion of food and discriminates between right and wrong that’s happened while we consume food. In short, pitta dosha concerns itself for the digestion power and ensures an overview that might cause discomfort and give relief to the stomach.

Summer season is known to be the season of pitta. Due to the presence of elements such as heat, oil and water, and pitta has the characteristics of being hot, oily and water it reacts with our body. When there is an excess accumulation of pitta in the body it may have an adverse effect and you may experience the following:

Here are the symptoms of Pitta Dosha (Imbalance of body)

Excess generation of heat in the body

Excessive sweating

Physical Symptoms

Increased hunger and/or thirst


Greying and/or loss of hair

Hormonal imbalance

Giddiness and/or migraines

Acid reflux, gas, indigestion

Inflammation of the joints

Nausea, diarrhoea or constipation

Anger & irritability

Bad breath

Body odour

Sore throat

Nausea upon missing meals


Tenderness in breasts/testicles

Heavy or painful menstrual bleeding

Ayurveda in India has given away simple yet effective pitta remedies which can be easily applied and you can easily get rid of the pitta imbalance in the body and create relief from it. The methods include a pitta curing ayurvedic diet which aids in cleansing the body from all the harmful and toxic waste material. It helps regularize the bowel movements for a happy and healthy gut and give you intense relief from it. Doing a regular diet will help calm the body and also allow better functioning of the body. With this diet you can easily tackle the problem of how to control pitta and feel healthy as well, this can be very helpful. Yoga For Pitta Dosha can prove very useful in balancing Pitta Dosha and giving you the required health benefits.