Hey Akshit ,
Please tell me something about how you came into the fitness industry ?
Hey Guys ,
So I Started my fitness journey around two years back when I was kinda fat like around 170LBS . but my main aim and i always wanted to motivate other people somehow so I thought this is gonna be the perfect move to start off .
What do you do apart from instagram blogging and fitness?
Well Apart from social media and instagram I have my own General Merchandise business in new york from years. Which is helping me in growing more and more
One inspiration in fitness field and why are you inspired from them ?
Well My Biggest inspiration right now is STEVE COOK & LUBOMBA. I have grown up by watching their content and videos only.
They are so damn good in giving motivation and I am really speechless for what they both are doing .
I really dont think without them I would have made it so far
Well tell me something about your diet ?
I make my diet very simple and easy to accessible so I don’t miss my meals usually my go to is like 60% protein, 30% carbs and 10% fats
(Food which I take chicken/fish/cottage cheese/rice cakes/eggs/rice/peanut butter/ banana/ apple
How long it has been hustling in the fitness world ?
Well it’s been around 1.5 year most probably since i am in this fitness field trying to make an impact in the industry by helping people with free workout tips on my insta
What’s your experience from Instagram showcasing your talent?
I won’t say this like a talent because I am not like a pro in this field, but yes Instagram helped me a lot to grow day by day. I started my fitness journey from 20k but now I am so near to 100k. Simply this was impossible without the love and support of Instagram family. And obviosly the hardwork indulged in making and creating the content on daily basis
Well any kinda guidance for someone who wants to start insta blogging in the field of fitness?
Yes, I would love to give this, frstly I wanna say don’t see people who got like 6 abs and totally ripped and don’t try to be like them because they are not working out from today or last 6 months, they are working out from last 5-10 years atleast. If you really wanna start, start from working out 3 times in a week. Try to keep your diet as much clean as you can. You are not gonna see the results in a day or two, it’s gonna take weeks but once you start seeing the results, don’t stop keep working hard and hustle everyday better results are always waiting
Some tips to youngester or those who are just starting to maintain a good diet?
I would firsty suggest to ear around their Maintainence calories . How to calculate this ? it’s quiet easy just google macro calculator and you will find 1000’s of them and go from there to maitain it
Have you ever made any kinda sacrifice doing fitness?
Well as it’s my passion I dont find skipping something as a sacrifice as thats my choice but yes if you are asking its 100% my food LOL
What was the reaction of your parents whem they found out you are so much into fitness ?
Well they are so happy now when they see my from 170 TO 130LBS and to be honest without the support of my family this would have been impossible as they help me in everyway in cooking my diet food etc and also motivating me each and every day.