Our body contains a large percentage of water and our body spends water in various ways. Our body is in continuous need of water. If our intake of water is less compared to the required minimum limit, then there are various chances of health issues, especially dehydration. The question that arises is how much water you should consume in a day and when? It depends upon how much your body demands. Some say around eight glasses of water is required. There is confusion and as such, there is no formula, but it depends upon your physical activity, atmosphere, and age. We lose water through our breath, urine, bowel movement, and sweating. For our body to function optimally we require to make up this water lost by consuming more water. First, let’s look at how much water should be consumed in a day.

According to a study by the National Academies of Sciences and Medical Studies, an average healthy adult living in a moderate climate needs around four liters of fluid for men and around three liters of fluid for females in a day, which includes all beverages, water, juices, etc. Around twenty percent of fluids, intake comes from food, including fruits. Exactly we can’t say that eight glasses of water are required. Because some people work in air conditioners while others work under the sun. Other things also play a role. If you are doing heavy exercise, you require more water. If you are doing moderate exercise you may require a lesser amount of water. Also, climate plays a role in the consumption of water. Overall if you are losing more water through sweating, you require more water. Your water intake is through spinach, watermelon, juices, and all day today beverages like milk, tea, coffee, and milkshakes, etc. Overall minimum requirement of water is around 4 liters for normal human beings and can be more if situations are different.

Now we look at when to consume water. After getting up you need to consume water. One hour before food and one hour after food, you should consume water. If you are a regular gym user, drink water before, in between, and after your gym sessions. Also before sleep, you should consume fluids, especially lukewarm water.