A healthy lifestyle is very important in this situation and healthy food habits also you should have. We should not avoid healthy food. One of the easiest ways to fulfill your healthy diet requirements is to follow ‘Rainbow food’ alongside the balanced diet intake. The rainbow diet consists of food of different color families. Here we look at the Rainbow diet and its importance.
These color fruits such as apples, apricot, watermelons, strawberries, and pomegranate. These red fruits contain phytochemicals with antioxidants properties and also contain fibers that help you with many health issues.
All green vegetables are rich in calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, and all kinds of vitamins. Chlorophyll, found in greens will help you clear your toxins.
Yellow fruits like banana, pineapple, peach, and mango are best for strength, glowing skin, and healthy hair. It contains bioflavonoids and carotenoids which help you fight cancer.
Blue colored food as blueberries, grapes, eggplants, and purple cabbage are all loaded with antioxidants. All this blue-purple colored food is good for decreasing bad cholesterol, heart-related ailments, and Alzheimer’s. These foods are good for boosting Immunity.
It is a proven fact that all orange colored foods are good for your eyesight and overall immunity. It’s rich in Vitamin A which helps you in improving eyesight. Better opt for oranges, minnows, carrots, and pumpkin to get high nutrients for your health.
This category of white food is good for your health. Mushrooms, yogurt, cauliflower, tofu, potatoes, etc. are providing calcium, proteins, and healthy bacteria as well as various Vitamins, folate, and fiber. These all nutrients will help you in many ways for your overall health.