For a woman the pregnancy months are all about self-care, but in this process they often forget about two of the basic needs, which are taking care of hair and skin. Your skin becomes dry and the amount of hair-fall increases.

Pregnancy comes with a lot of physical and emotional transformation. But do not worry, here are some tips for your hair and skin care-

Tips for skin care-

1. Cleansing: Start your routine with a gentle cleanse. Use a product recommended by your dermatologist. Check the manufacturing and expiry date before use. If you start getting reactions immediately stop the use and visit your doctor. Wash your face with a cleanser only twice a day.

2. Moisturizing and sun protection: Sun-Protection cream is a necessary addition to your pregnancy skin-care routine. Use a sun-screen with minimum of SPF 15, and with broad spectrum protection; that works against both UVA and UVB rays. Keep your skin moisturized and use cream and lotion of ingredients like VParsol 1789 or Avobenzone on the label.

3. Acne and oil: If you have an oily or acne prone skin you will probably face the worst breakout during your first trimester. Treating your breakout with a safest way is using products that contain glycolic acid, alpha hydroxyl acid, topical erythromycin (prescription only), or witch hazel.

4. Quick and easy makeup: If you are wearing make-up during pregnancy, go for less. Use products that are safe and friendly to your skin.

Tips for hair care-

1. Oil Massage- Gentle head massage with some hot oil is necessary at least twice a week. It keeps your hair roots healthy and strong.

2. Good Shampoo and Conditioner- Ask your doctor to recommend a good shampoo and conditioner that will stop hair fall and promote hair growth.

3. Avoid Chemical Treatments and Colouring- Avoid permanent straightening or any other chemical treatments. Don’t dye or colour your hair during pregnancy months.

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