Cold compresses, calamine lotion, and oatmeal baths are just a few of the home remedies that might help relieve the painful symptoms of heat rash.

Heat rash can arise anywhere on the body and is also known as miliaria, sweat rash, or prickly heat. It usually appears as a red rash or little red lumps that resemble sweat beads or acne. Uncomfortable, itchy, burning, or prickly feelings are possible.

Sweat cannot escape from the sweat ducts to the skin’s surface, resulting in heat rash. This closes the pores and triggers an inflammatory response in the body, which manifests itself as a rash.

Heat rash can be caused by a number of factors, including:

wearing tight, synthetic garments in a hot, humid atmosphere

Intense exercise after a long period of bed rest.

Heat rash is common in neonates, affecting up to 9% of all infants. This is due to the fact that their sweat glands are still growing.

Use a cold compress

Heat rash usually goes away on its own after a few days, but there are several home remedies that can help relieve itching and cool the skin.

Cooling the skin is one of the most effective techniques to alleviate heat rash.

To relieve redness, itching, and swelling, people can apply a cold compress to the affected area, such as an ice pack or a cool cloth.

If you’re going to use an ice pack, wrap it in something, like a towel, to protect your skin (never apply an unwrapped ice pack directly to the skin).

Ice should not be left on for long periods of time. A decent rule of thumb is to apply the ice pack for 5–10 minutes, then remove it for the same amount of time, reapply, and repeat the process.

Take a refreshing bath or shower.

Taking a chilly bath or shower can help to ease itchy skin by cooling the skin. Exfoliating the skin with a light exfoliator may aid in the unblocking of pores.

Use fans or air conditioning to cool down.

Indoors, fans, and air conditioning can help keep temperatures low and the body cool. This is especially true for those who are on bed rest. Make careful to move someone who is sedentary on a regular basis so that all regions of their body can get cold air.

If you’re exercising in a hot climate, make sure you have air conditioning. When exercising outside, try to do so during the cooler portions of the day or in the shade to avoid excessive sweating.

Wear cotton apparel that is loose.

Loose clothing allows air to circulate about the body, allowing it to stay cool. Wearing cotton or natural textiles rather than synthetics, which are lighter and more breathable, may also assist.

Calamine lotion should be used.

Calamine lotion can be used to alleviate itching. However, because it can be highly drying on the skin, it’s a good idea to apply a moisturizer with it to avoid further aggravation.