Exercise plays an important role in your overall health and wellness. It will help you in various ways to get rid of different physical and mental problems. If you look at hip dips, they are part of human anatomy and their occurrence depends on the muscular and skeletal structure. They are inward curves in the space where your legs meet hips. It happens due to the shape of your pelvis. If they are visible and you need to get rid of them, then here we can look at the perfect workout.

** Squats are one the best exercises for all kinds of physical problems and hip dips, it’s the best exercise. It’s a very simple exercise and you can do it without weight in your hands.
** Fire hydrants are the best exercise for your hip dips problem. It makes your hip area toner. Start on all fours in a tabletop position. Always keep your back straight and engage your core.
** Glute bridges are the best movements to perform, especially for hip dips. You can start by lying on your back and bringing heels up to the mat. Keep heels a few inches away from your buttocks and your knees are pointing upwards.
** Hip abduction exercise is one of the easiest for your hip dips problem. Lie down on your side and use your top arm to aid the upper body. Keep your core and upper body still and raise your top leg upward. Lower back down with control and repeat.
** Side, as well as curtsy Lunges, are also effective workouts for hip dips. Stand at top of the mat, feet together, engage your core muscles, and lunge such that they push your bum behind.

Those were the few perfect workouts to get rid of hip dips.