WFH Gets Your Body Tired: Try These Desk Exercises

Hey!! WFH!! Here Try These Desk Exercises.

Due to this coronavirus pandemic situation, lots of people were affected in various ways. There are lots of infected people as well as people who have to be in isolation to avoid infection. Online education is made compulsory as well those who work in offices are being forced to work from home. While working from home, there is lots of tiredness everyone facing. There may be many exercises available but due to hectic schedules, it seems impossible. But stretching for few minutes or doing few desk exercises you can get rid of your tiredness. Here we look at few exercises for those who are working from home and their body tired sitting in one place.

* To get rid of neck tension is very important. As you are sitting idle your hours your neck may have a kind of stiffness. Do this yoga exercise. Just drop your chin, roll your head around, roll your shoulder both ways and stretch your arms. Do this yoga exercise for a couple of minutes to get rid of your neck stiffness.

* You can stretch your wrist by this simple exercise. Lift your palm, stretch your arms, press your palms into each other, and try some wrist curls using a water bottle as weight.

* High knees exercise also you can do by standing up from the desk and to stretch knees upward.

* Sitting leg raises exercise is necessary and you can do it under your desk and nobody can notice it. Just lift legs, hold, and release. Repeat much time.

* Chair dips are the best exercise while working from home when you get free time. Just take a strong chair and on its hands put your hands and do few dips.

* Shadowboxing exercise will energize you, especially when you get bored from work. Raise your fist in front of your face in a boxing position and release. Repeat it for better results.

* Calf raises exercise you can do when you’re free from work. Just stand near the desk and raise your calf, release, and repeat.