Exercise plays an important role in your overall health and fitness. Also, it gives you mental strength and flexibility for different parts of the body. Lower body exercises are also important and you can go for different exercises for thick thighs and round butt. At least two to three times a week you need to do exercises for the lower body. There are lots of exercises you can do at home and here we look at a few workouts for thick thighs and round butt.


This is good exercise for the thigh and butt. Hold a kettlebell or dumbbell in front of you. Your feet should be wider than hip-width. Squat down by keeping your thighs parallel to the ground and driving your weight towards the heel. Repeat 15 times.


Place the mini band above the knee and lay on your right side. Your body should rest on the right elbow. Lift the top knee up and down. Repeat 20 times and switch sides. This is the best workout for thick thighs and round butt.


This exercise is also good for your thighs and butt. Begin in the bridge position, leg bend to 90 degrees, and on the mat. Place the dumbbell over the left thigh and lift the leg straight up. Hold it for a few seconds before releasing it.


By keeping your forearm down, begin in a tabletop position. Lift your right leg straight back and up to the sky. Lower back down and repeat 20 times and switch sides. This is also considered to be the best workout for thick thighs and round butt.


Skipping is also the best exercise for thick thighs and round butt. At least do a minimum of 50 repetitions per set.

Those were a few workouts for thick thighs and round butt.

Source – healthline.com