Not everyone has a yard where we can grow different plants in! But that doesn’t stop most of us from keeping plants! Plants have a way of brightening a home that is too tempting to resist! But it isn’t just about the looks. Depending on the plants you grow, you can gain quite a few benefits from your tiny nursery! Here are 5 plants that are a must-have! Check it out:
1) Aloe Vera:
This plant is a must-have! It has quite a few benefits! It has healing properties and has a soothing effect on irritated skin. It also works as an air purifier as it takes away quite a few pollutants from the air.
2) Snake Plant:
This tiny plant doesn’t require much sunlight or water! It is known for purifying the air of various toxins! It is a great plant to have in your homes.
3) Succulents:
There are many different kinds of succulents for you to choose from. These plants come with instructions though! They don’t need much direct sunlight and can be water every few days. You could even build a pretty terrarium and collection of different succulents in one flashy display!
4) Herbs:
Herbs are really easy to grow and they come in handy in the kitchen. Cilantro and basil are two herbs that grow easily! You could also have a tulsi plant at home! Tulsi has quite a few health benefits of its own!
5) Creepers:
Crrepeers are tough plants and need little care. You could opt for the usual Money Plant or you could go for the pretty shaped British Ivy creepers. These two grow well! The money Plants are also amazing at purifying the air!
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