Romantic love can be a great experience. There’s a reason why love has played such an important role in so many stories throughout human history. Even though love isn’t always perfect. It’s often surprising, annoying, and sometimes unpleasant in real life. While it can undoubtedly provide a lot of benefits, it usually does so only after a lot of hard work and a willingness to face some hardships as part of the process. People often say that you’ll know whether someone loves you just by looking at them. There’s some truth to that, even if it doesn’t show up in the media’s lavish gestures.
Here are 5 indicators frequently used to identify a true love
1. Feeling safe around them
Loved connections are built on the foundation of safety. A loving lover will not harm you or your assets physically. They will also not intimidate or coerce you into doing things you don’t want to do, make decisions for you, or isolate you from your social support network.
Feeling safe also entails being able to make your own decisions and express yourself without worrying about how others will react. When you communicate your thoughts and ambitions, you will be facilitated rather than belittled or criticized.Everyone feels uncomfortable and angry from time to time, but there are healthy methods to vent rage. A loving partner will not threaten you, use anger to punish you, or make you fearful.
2. They pay close attention
A companion that cares about you will be interested in the small things of your life. Instead of instantly turning the conversation to their own experiences, they’ll actively listen by asking questions and waiting their turn to speak. Partners in a healthy relationship acknowledge both the good and the negative. When you bring up a concern or a relationship issue, they will take your sentiments into account rather than ignoring them or attempting to minimize your suffering.
3. They’ll accept you for who you are
Someone who cares about you will accept your unique thoughts and feelings as a part of your identity. They might have a civilized debate, but instead of forcing you to take their side, they’ll show interest in your viewpoint.
4. You feel free to communicate
When it’s time for a chat, a partner who loves you will recognize the importance of communication and show up physically and intellectually. You have the space to express your opinions and feelings without fear of being condemned.
5. They urge you to pursue your own interests
Rather than imposing limits on you, a loving partner will encourage you to pursue your passions.
In the end, a caring spouse will share your desire to build your relationships and grow together. Relationship skills do not come naturally to everyone, and some people may require additional assistance in learning how to communicate emotions in healthy ways.