Make your own Rakhi for your brother that will surely make him happy.
Here are some unique ideas for the Rakhis with their favourite cartoon character or their favourite toy:-
- Make their favourite toy Rakhi- Take a small piece of cardboard. Draw your brother’s favourite toy. Colour it and cut it perfectly to the borderline. Stick it on a satin ribbon or wool strands.
- Make their favourite Cartoon Character Rakhi- Draw their Favourite Cartoon character on a card board or you can even take a printout and stick on cardboard. Stick it to the Ribbon and let dry for sometime.
- Make their Photo Rakhi- Stick the Ribbon in between the foam papers, take your brother’s photo and stick it on a foam paper on the top.
- Make a Sequin Rakhi- Take a piece of sequined part. Stick it on the Satin matching Ribbon.
- Make a Quilling Rakhi- Take quilling paper strands and fold it as per your favourite. Stick them together and secure it on a cardboard. Let it dry and now stick it on a Satin Ribbon.
These unique Rakhi ideas will surely surprise your brother and bring a smile on their face.