“Crush Or Love? Signs To Identify Your Feeling For Someone

Here read about the signs that would help you identify your feeling for someone and decide if its ‘love’ really or ‘crush’

When you have a crush, sensations tend to amplify by a magnitude of tenfold. They used to be adorable, but now they’re really gorgeous. Perhaps the quips they used to make you giggle now make you laugh out loud. This is what infatuation does to you, and it makes it difficult to understand your true emotions. Sometimes you may feel as though you are genuinely in love with someone and are actually just infatuated with their notion, while other times this may not be the case.

In order to assist you to determine if you are truly in love or just have a crush, here are some tips.

1. Notice if you have things in common

For when you have more things to discuss as together and have interests in common, you get closer together.

2. Take notes of on how many times do you think of them

Do you get kinky when you see them? Well, then it might be a big-time crush, but if it persists and get consistent it could be something more than that.

3. See if you are changing yourself for him/her

Change should always be for the better. But it shouldn’t have to go beyond and to such extent that you get uncomfortable. If you want to bring a change to your lifestyle it should be solely for yourself only.

4. What do you feel when you see a glimpse of them?

If your body responds with extreme lust when you see them, then it might your crush. But you if you feel happier and calm when you are near them, then it could be possible that you are in love with that person.

5. How long had your feeling persisted?

Crush often remains as a short-lived feeling, but if you are attracted to the person for years then it could be love!