Many experts have constantly said that a hug is the most intimate gesture that two people share. There’s a wide range of hugs that mean different things.

Let’s have a look at some of these different hugs and what they mean.

Side hug
A side hug simply signifies a gesture for people you’re an acquaintance with. It’s not too intimate nor too formal. You don’t hug a friend around her shoulder.

Friend Hug
This is the most traditional hug. It’s where you’re hugging but not to a point where it could be misunderstood for a romantic hug. Generally, these hugs are very quick.

Hugging from Behind
A hug from behind is an indication of a strong bond between the two people. It shows romantic intimacy between a couple. A hug from a family member indicates the closeness of your relationship with them. It indicates a very strong bond between the two parties.

Hugging around the waist
This hug is when both the partner’s hands are on the other waist. This is a romantic gesture and portrays an element of intimacy between the two. This kind of hug is really romantic and very common amongst couples.

Bear Hug
A bear hug is hands down the best kind of hug. This hug can be romantic but it also shows comfort and love towards the other person. This hug portrays warmth, love, and comfort towards your partner and is the one with a prolonged period.