Something is off, but you can’t identify what it is. He’s not the same child you met six or two months ago. You know he’s keeping something from you, but what is it? What’s the best way to find out?

Many parents may experience this issue to varying degrees, and possibly many times throughout their adolescent years. It is unavoidable for parents to be shut out of some elements of their child’s life; it is all part of the maturation process. That being said, it is critical for parents to have enough insight into their children to recognize when anything is off so that when the time comes, they will be prepared to weather the storm. Here are 3 signs your teen is hiding something.

1. Sudden Change in Behavior

Perhaps your child is generally outgoing but has suddenly grown withdrawn. Perhaps he has begun to speak in a different manner, employing new terms that are not often found in his repertoire. He might suddenly lose interest in things he previously enjoyed.

2. Escaping to Private Places Often

It might be that he spends more time alone in his room, on his phone, or on his computer. It’s far simpler to mask feelings while you’re alone than when you’re around people. It’s also easier to keep things hidden, especially online acts, in a private area.

3. Change in Physical Appearance

Whatever your child is concealing, whether it’s an addiction, an eating condition, or even a single mistake, there will almost certainly be a visible difference in the look. This is because one’s physical condition mirrors one’s mental condition.

Source: Life Point Therapy