With so much going on in the average couple’s lives, it’s easy to overlook the tiny gestures that keep a relationship running. Most couples don’t realize, however, that it doesn’t take much to make your partner feel more cherished on a daily basis.
Switch off your phone.
It’s time to disengage if you’re addicted to Facebook throughout dinner. A study published in the journal Computers in Human Behavior examined data from 1,160 married persons and discovered a link between frequent social media use and relationship happiness.
Go to bed at the same time.
You can always stay in bed until your companion falls asleep, even if you’re a night owl. You should also make sure that you’re both getting enough sleep.
Make your partner a cup of coffee.
Grand gestures aren’t the only way to display your affection for someone. Even something as simple as making your lover a cup of coffee in the morning can assist in strengthening your bond.
Bring up a humorous memory from your past.
The funniest memories are always the best.
Give your partner a warm embrace.
Nonsexual touching, such as hugging or handholding, is just as necessary as s*x in maintaining a healthy relationship.
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