Friendships may benefit you in a variety of forms. Good friends teach you about yourself and push you to grow as a person. They motivate you to keep trying when things become rough and rejoice with you when you succeed.
Physical Health Benefits from Friendship
Healthy relationships, it turns out, correlate to excellent physical health. People who have great connections had half the chance of dying prematurely from any cause, according to a 2010 study.

Healthy Habits are Encouraged by Friends
One explanation for these health benefits is that friendships can help you make lifestyle changes that have a direct impact on your health. For example, your friends can help you set and stick to the goal of eating a healthier diet and exercising more. They can also monitor you and warn you when harmful habits such as drinking become a problem.

Emotional Help from Friends
If you’re going through a tough period, having a buddy by your side can help you get through it.
-Friends Assist You in Developing Your Self-Assuredness
Everyone sometimes has self-doubt and fear. On the other hand, supportive friendship plays an important role in increasing self-esteem, that is, how much you value and love yourself.
When you’re feeling hesitant, supportive friends might help you feel more secure by giving praise and reassurance. They’ll show you how incredible you are and how much you have to offer to others.