Mom-to-be Alia Bhatt has now launched her maternity wear brand, calling it ‘Edamamma’. The actress earlier dropped in the announcement on her social media, and today she has shared an exclusive video on her social media, giving glimpses of her gorgeous branded wear.

In the video, we could spot Bhatt in gorgeous maternity wears, looking all glowing in a beige midi dress teamed with no makeup and a wavy hairdo. The video later followed by her stunning look, as she wore a pretty peach graphic printed maternity top with open tresses and no makeup on.

In the next swap, we could spot her wearing a gorgeous olive green sleeveless maternity bodycon outfit with chic earrings, no makeup and a sleek hairdo. The actress further was spotted in her yoga updo, looking all pretty in her maternity yoga pants.

Sharing the lovely video on social media, Alia Bhatt wrote, “Edamamma Maternity Wear – made with a lot of love – for mama-beans ☀️??Launching 14th October!!”

Here take a look-

View Instagram Post 1: Mom-to-be Alia Bhatt launches her new maternity brand 'Edamamma'

Shweta Bachchan wrote, “Adorable”

On the work front, the actress was last seen in the movie Brahmastra. The movie is all set to join 400 crores worldwide. Earlier to that, she earned love with her performance in the film Darlings and Gangubai Kathiawadi, as the lead.