Everyone has a bucket list nowadays, things they want to do before dying or things they want to do before turning so and so age. But this is a list of things too. There is also a list of things you must be doing before turning 40, and there’s no reason to stop working on it after you hit decade number four.
Society today tends to believe that by age 40 is when your career will flourish, heading to the top. You should have accomplished many things in life, you would be married with a few kids and a nice big house. But there might be few things you would want to look forward to more before turning 40.
Here are 5 things you should attempt to accomplish before you turn 40.
Travel abroad
Everyone dreams to travel the whole world. So why not try traveling a few places away from the country. If you can’t afford it, try saving for it and go out on a tour with your loved ones or friends. A trip abroad is worth every penny, try new things, and experience new surroundings. It will show you how many different ways there are to live your life.
Break one bad habit
You fall into many bad habits in your teens and your 20s, here is the time when you leave it behind and try to free yourself from it completely.
Taking a road trip with your friends
Road tripping is an amazing experience in itself. Try having a road trip at least once before turning 40 with your friends or family. You will love the experience and feel satisfied.
Try something that you fear the most
This is one such task. You must get over at least one fear in your life, either it is water, or height, or any type of phobia. You must try to overcome that phobia.
Try something new and innovative
Try something new and modern, try something you see and find amazing and willing to do it.