Globally lots of people suffering from depression. In depression, the person remains unhappy, inactive is also unable to perform as per the required expectations. However, being unhappy isn’t the same as depression. Depression is the term often used to describe how we feel after bad and negative things happening around us. A major depressive disorder is much more complicated. Though then there are specific symptoms that will determine whether it’s depression or just sadness. There are many signs of depression. Let’s have look at a few signs of depression.


Major depression is a mood disorder that affects the way you feel about your life. A most common symptom of depression is a hopeless outlook. Other feelings may be self-hate, guilty feelings and many other similar emotions.


A depressed person lost interest in his routine. Depression robs one of all pleasures and joys of living . You might loose interest in having a physical exchange with your partner.


You might stop doing things you enjoy. You’ll find yourself feeling exhausted. Depression often comes with lack of energy and feeling of fatigue. Also, depression could lead to excessive sleeping or lack of sleep.


Due to depression there can be certain symptoms of anxiety-like nervousness, restlessness, or feeling tense, feelings of panic, rapid heart rate, rapid breathing and many other symptoms. Also, there is a chance of sweating heavily and trembling.


Weight and appetite can fluctuate when a person is depressed. In some, cases one can observe weight gain in some others one has to brave weight loss.


Research shows that men who suffer from depression show signs of irritability. However, the same is not the case with women.


Among the signs of depression, mood swing is most common among all. Anger will be followed by crying, or extreme laugher. Mood swings are a prominent trait observed in depressed people. Sometimes the situation doesn’t permit but your emotions are up and down without a moment’s notice. Overall depression can cause mood swing.