The first Bollywood wedding was all about love and positivity oozing around as we saw the likes of the Dhawan family taking it on them for their ladla beta Varun Dhawan finally getting married to his long-time girlfriend Natasha Dalal. Many Bollywood celebrities showed their presence there and the super stylish and attractive director Karan Johar too appeared but with a boom!
It was a dream destination wedding for the lovely couple and Karan Johar gave a pose for the paparazzi! That wasn’t the catch as what he came in for the function did bring all the eyes on him and how! Dressed from head to toe in a Versace set, he wore the attractive Versace sweatshirt which complimented with zipping and it also had some baroque prints. The stylish look featured pockets on both sides and had zip.
The sweatshirt was priced around Rs.72,163 while the matching Versace baroque print track pants cost him around Rs.80,080, as per reports. Let’s not forget the bright yellow bag cross fitted to his body. The monochrome sneakers are not to be ignored. With his hair well set with gel, he was all set to winter the big wedding bash, check out what we are talking about!