Kareena Kapoor Khan, also known as Bebo in Bollywood always amazes us with her fashion sense. She is perfect in styling her outfits very well. People love her for her style statements and amazing acting skills. Kareena Kapoor was seen wearing a good earth outfit in printed silk that is perfect for the Mehendi ceremony.
Kareena wore a lehenga with miniature paintings around the blouse neck in her movie Veere Di Wedding and that outfit was perfect for a Mehendi function or cocktail party.
Kareena wore a silver lehenga. It was styled with a kalamkari sheer dupatta, which featured hand-painted floral motifs highlighted with silver strokes. It is perfect for a sangeet or Mehendi night. She was looking fabulous in that outfit.
Kareena was looking gorgeous in a green silk brocade kurta with a skirt. The green outfit is perfect for Mehendi as most of the time green color is wore on the Mehendi ceremony. Kareena was spotted wearing yellow sharara and paired it with a vibrant pink banarasi dupatta. She kept the jewelry minimal as the dupatta was bright.
Check out some amazing pictures of Kareena Kapoor Khan and stay tuned to IWMbuzz.com