Kriti Sanon, the Bachchan Pandey actress has been around the Bollywood scene since 2014 when she made her debut with the movie Heropanti. The Indian actress and model really has an amazing eye for the perfect outfit and she has proved it time and time again! She has been spotted slaying in a gorgeous gown as well as lazy casuals! Here are a few of her stylish looks that you could steal!

If you are looking for an elegant yet outfit that spells PARTY, try out a boho-styled ankle-length, see-through coat that she paired with a bralette and tights. She mixed and matched a bunch of prints and made it look amazing! Experiment with some bohemian prints for a chill night. And don’t forget your accessories!

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If you want to get some glam with you to your weekend try something like Kriti’s silver Blazer dress. It looks elegant, perfect for a high-end party, but at the same time, it has that glamorous vibe! She paired the look with sporty shoes!

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For a lazy day maybe you could try experimenting with some prints and comfort wear! You could go for some comfy jogger with eccentric patterns that give it that extra oomph look!

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If you want more of a casual look with a splash of glam, try mixing some denim with sequins! Denim can be an easy pick for any look, but when mixed with sequins it becomes a chic party look. This actress styled her look with a denim shirt, a sequined pencil skirt, and fancy heels.

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If you do a traditional look try going out of the box and going with this look of Kriti Sanon.

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What do you think of these 5 stylish looks of Kriti Sanon? Let us know out of these outfits, which one is your favorite?