Shraddha Kapoor is gearing up for the upcoming release of the horror-comedy film ‘Stree 2’, directed by Amar Kaushik. Shraddha recently posted a photo of herself in a Western fit on Instagram and asked her followers who loves the rainy season. As usual, social media users couldn’t resist flirting and interacting with Shraddha in her comment section.

Shraddha Kapoor’s Stylish Look In Western Look-

Taking to her Instagram post, Shraddha Kapoor shared stunning photoshoot photos in a co-ord set, which feature a stylish and classy combination of pink background, with multi-colored floral printed lapel collar, full sleeves blazer, high-waisted matching pants, showcasing her style file in a funky way. The ensemble is paired with a beige with mirror work embellishment strappy, sleeveless, deep neckline knot-tied bralette, creating a cohesive and trendy look.

A Fan Comment On Shraddha Kapoor's Instagram Post Leaves Stree 2 Actress In Singing Mood 901789

A Fan Comment On Shraddha Kapoor's Instagram Post Leaves Stree 2 Actress In Singing Mood 901790

Shraddha Kapoor’s Hairstyle And Makeup-

Shraddha Kapoor styles her look in a sleek and edgy manner with a side-partition wavy open hairstyle to complement the stylish outfit. Her makeup includes black winged eyeliner and creamy pink lips to complement her facial beauty. She compliments her outfit with long gold earrings, a bracelet, and a ring to make a statement. In the photos, the actress flaunts her stylish look with charming expressions.

Fan Comment On Instagram Post-

Shraddha asks her fans, “Kis kis ko baarish Pasand hai?” in the Instagram post. As soon as the Stree 2 actress posted a picture on InstaA Fan Comment On Shraddha Kapoor's Instagram Post Leaves Stree 2 Actress In Singing Mood 901792

A Fan Comment On Shraddha Kapoor's Instagram Post Leaves Stree 2 Actress In Singing Mood 901793gram, fans flooded the comments section with cheesy reactions. One fan wrote, “Tumhe dekha toh yeh jaana Sanam” and Shraddha Replied, “Pyaar hota hai deewana sanam.” Another user poetically proposed Shraddha say, “Jesus can turn water into wine. I want to turn you into mine,” the actress replied, “For this line, you need to pay a fine.”


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