Shahid Kapoor, the Kabir Singh actor can make anyone fall in love with him, and here’s one such moment when he got Vastavikta Pandit, daughter of Bollywood’s iconic actor Raaj Kumar’s daughter, fall in love with him, and the love got to such, that Pandit ended up stalking him like a creep.
Veteran star, Raaj Kumar’s daughter Vastavikta Pandit, was a Bollywood actress but failed to ascend to notoriety. It is said that Vastavikta initially met Shahid Kapoor at Shiamak Davar’s dance classes and that is where she fell in love with him.
In the year 2012, Shahid Kapoor couldn’t deal with the torment brought about by the stalking, as he wound up filing a complaint against her.
A source close to Shahid Kapoor even revealed that Vastavikta moved to a house close to Shahid Kapoor and used to introduce herself as his wife. However, after Shahid’s complaint, the actress managed to escape and since then the police couldn’t trace her.