Vijay Deverakonda is one name that started buzzing in everyone’s ears in the country ever since Arjun Reddy and Kabir Singh became a humongous hit among the audience. Soon after, Vijay earned a Bollywood debut as well opposite Ananya Panday and the audience truly can’t wait for Vijay’s first Bollywood movie to be out.
Ever since the first day itself, Vijay and Ananya both blended wonderfully with each other off-screen to help their on-screen chemistry and a part of this was a special bike ride which Vijay Deverakonda had planned for Ananya to take her happy. Vijay took Ananya out for a bike ride and soon the internet was flooded with their photos and Ananya visibly seemed to be having a nice time there. Wanna check out the photos? Take a look –