Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor took the internet by storm with their gorgeous Diwali moments online. Saying that a recent video of the couple has gone viral of late, where we can see RK and Alia Bhatt walking down an aisle, as they head out from their Diwali celebrations.
In the video, the paparazzies who were seen busy clicking their pictures requests Alia Bhatt to walk along with Ranbir Kapoor. However, Alia was quick to respond to the paparazzies, and her answer is winning hearts.
The actress said, “RK ke saath hi chal rahi hoon main (I am walking with him only),”, as quoted by Hindustan Times.
View Instagram Post 1: Alia Bhatt Asked To Walk With Ranbir Kapoor: Alia Reacts