Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor’s wedding rumours are hitting headlines currently. Reportedly they are going to tie the knot on the 15th of April at the Kapoor’s ancestral home. If reports are to be believed, their reception shall be held on the 17th of April. Also, it is stated, that the wedding shall be the last wedding in the Kapoor clan, for which, the families are planning a grand one.

However, the couple has not confirmed any of the news yet. Earlier, Alia was spotted returning from the Maldives with a huge diamond ring on hand, which sparked engagement rumours, and now with the videos and pictures getting rolled on social media, it seems wedding bells have rung.

While that, recently Alia Bhatt talked to filmfare in an interview, discussing her holiday plans with RK. She said, “There’s like a joke when I go for my holiday or something like that and wherever I am, because Ranbir is not on social media, he’s like ‘you want one for the gram? Do you want an Insta pic?’ Like it’s become like a joke, there’s one Insta pic that you click,” She further added, “He’s great, he clicks the best Instagram pictures,”