Alia Bhatt, the Bollywood diva is quite the looker! This young actress started her career with the Karan Johan movie Student of the Year back in 2012 alongside Varun Dhawan and Siddharth Malhotra. The actress has moved on from the young romance movies since then. The bombshell has picked some brilliant movies and roles to work with over the years! And her acting prowess shined through! She did an amazing job every time!
This actress has a very natural beauty. The actress doesn’t like too much makeup and lets her skin breathe when she doesn’t have work. And the actress is stunning enough to pull off a no-makeup look just as well! While the actress is breathtakingly beautiful, her smile just makes her ten times more beautiful and netizens just can’t get enough of her!
The actress has quite a presence on her social media handles. She often posts pictures on her Instagram feed. Here are some pictures that prove the actress looks 10 times brighter and more beautiful while smiling!
On the work front, the actress has quite a few new projects that will be released this year alone. The actress will make her Telugu debut this year on 13 October with her next movie, RRR, an upcoming Telugu film. She will be sharing the screen with some brilliant stars including, N. T. Rama Rao Jr., Ram Charan, and even Ajay Devgn.
Take a look at her smiling pictures here! What are your thoughts on the actress? Let us know in the comments below!
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Image Credit: Instagram