Karishma Kapoor has currently walked in the reality show Super Dancer, after Shilpa Shetty stepped down as a judge in the show, after her husband, Raj Kundra got filed for pornography.
Speaking of Karishma Kapoor, in one of the recent episodes the actress was seen giving a hilarious reaction to Anurag Basu’s urge to include Alia Bhatt’s name in her family. The incident took place after a contestant, Pari Tamang asked Karishma Kapoor about the number of actors in her family.
As quoted by Koi Moi, the actress said, “Muje bhi nahi bata, itne saare hai.”, the actress then went on to mention all the actors from her family, starting from, Prithviraj Kapoor, also included Raj Kapoor, Shammi Kapoor, Shashi Kapoor, Geeta Balo, Jennifer Kendal, Prem Nath, Rajendra Nath, Randhir Kapoor, Rishi Kapoor, Rajiv Kapoor, Neetu Kapoor, Babita Kapoor, Kareena Kapoor Khan, Ranbir Kapoor, Armaan Jain, Aadar Jain, Kunal Kapoor, Karan Kapoor, Sanjana Kapoor and lastly, Zahan Kapoor. Soon after, she finished naming the actors, Anurag Basu, the Barfi director said, “Alia (Bhatt) ko bhi lehi le.”, in response to this Karisma Kapoor smiled and zipped her lips.