Ananya Panday, a B-town diva has an exceptional taste in fashion. A lot of her ensembles fall under chic casuals. But she can definitely deck up in some elegant outfits as well! In fact, the actress has been rocking the blazer look. Not only rocking it but also making them look uber cool! Check out Ananya Panday’s cool blazers to help you shop for yourself:
The actress once donned a classic and elegant blazer look! She wore an off-white, almost creamish-white pantsuit. The blazer loosely, yet stylish hung off of her petite frame. She styled the blazer with matching loose-fit trousers shorts, a lovely dark crop top, and orange strappy heels. She accessorized the look with some layered delicate necklaces. She used nude tones to complete the look and tied her hair in a low pony.
Go bold with a funky printed blazer! Ananya Panday once wore a quirky checkered suit with an added fun element of Bart Simpson’s face from the American sitcom, The Simpsons. It a quirky and edgy look that will have a lot of head-turning in appreciation! She styled the blazer with a matching crop top and a white mini skirt. She paired the look with massive, chunky striking red sneakers! She only wore a few rings, left her makeup neutral with pink lips, and tied her hair in a fun hairdo.
A white blazer is extremely elegant! But Ananya added a fun element to the look when she arrived at an even donned in a fuzzy white blazer! She styled the all-white pantsuit with a white tube top, a pair of white trousers, and silver strappy heels. Once again she opted for neutral makeup and she left her hair open to falling in neat waves.
Or you could go for some blazer dresses as well! The actress has an amazing collection of blazer dresses as well! Let us know in the comments what you think of the blazer looks of Anaya Pandey!
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