Ananya Panday, the Indian actress has seen a lot of success in her profession. She started her vocation with Student of the Year 2 and went on to make the hit comedy film, Pati Patni Aur Woh. Her movies as well as other projects have been getting recognition from many fans. She became the first female ambassador of Skechers India. The California-based global sports and lifestyle brand launched a new campaign last year with Ananya Panday as the brand ambassador.
Recently for a new Skechers campaign, she was styled in a chic look. This Skechers India photoshoot was for a new collection of a more vibrant and colorful range of runners. She was dressed in a sports bra with an abstract print with cool blue, pink and orange hues. It was paired with a light pink skirt. However, what took the whole look to another level was the jacket that they styled the outfit with.
They finished the look with a dual-toned jacket, with one side being orange and the other being pink. The jacket looked amazing on the actress. The look of course was also styled with Skechers from their new collection. They kept the makeup light for the chic athletic look, instead, they went with a cute half-pony hairstyle. The actress posted a picture of the shoot on her Instagram account and was met with a lot of compliments.
What do you think of the dual-toned jacket that Ananya Panday was styled in? And what do you think of the new Skechers collection?