If Anushka Sharma’s new Instagram photo isn’t making you in awe, then what will? The Bollywood actress recently shared a glimpse of her baby boy, Akaay Virat Kohli, demanding more pictures from the actor-cricketer parents. Anushka and Virat are parents of two children. After becoming parents to their first child, a baby girl, Vamika, the duo welcomed their second a baby boy named Akaay, in February 2024. Anushka and Virat are very conscious about their children and haven’t allowed media to click pictures unless they have permission to do so. However, after giving birth to Akaay, the PK actress has been maintaining distance from social media, but recently, she shared an adorable glimpse of her fun time with her children in her story. As the actress shared the new photo, she has been creating buzz. Let’s take a look.

Anushka Sharma Is Creating Buzz Online By Sharing A Glimpse Of Her Fun-time With Son Akaay Virat Kohli 912300

On Thursday, Anushka shared a photo on her Instagram story showcasing insights of her fun time with her children. In the photo, the actress has not shown her son’s face yet, but she shared the first photo of her son on social media. The photo shows Anushka and Virat’s son Akaay’s cute little hand with some ice cream candies. With the visuals, it seems Akaay wishes to grab the ice cream popsicles. Fans and followers are in awe of the new photo because they cannot see the little one’s face, which intrigues them about Akaay’s appearance. At the same time, several fans are demanding a full photo of Akaay.