Shah Rukh Khan’s son Aryan Khan and daughter Suhana Khan are working hard to make their careers in their respective fields. Recently, Aryan’s rumored girlfriend Larissa Bonesi and sister Suhana Khan graced their looks in stunning sequin dresses, drawing a comparison between the two about who styled the shimmers better.
Aryan Khan’s Rumored GF Larissa Bonesi’s Pink Sequin Dress
Larissa, for her new photos, wore a sizzling pink sequin mini dress. The outfit has a jaw-dropping low neckline with sizzling spaghetti sleeves flaunting her beautiful shoulders, followed by a fitting bodice. The low hemline emphasizes her stunning long legs, raising the temperature. A diamond necklace and matching earrings complemented her appearance. She elevated her style with shiny pink cheeks, eyeshadow and lipstick. Her open hairstyle and bold pictures left us in wow.
Suhana Khan’s White Sequin Dress
Redefining the sequin elegance, Suhana wore a stunning white sequin dress featuring a square neckline with strappy sleeves. A fitting bodice with midi-length dress, the actress defines her picturesque figure. In the sparkling attire, Suhana kept it simple with minimal makeup and her open hairstyle. Her bold eyes and huge smile grabbed our attention. In the sequin attire, the actress looked gorgeous.
Comparing Larissa and Suhana, it is difficult to pick anyone as both of them rocked their appearances. Their stunning sequin attires looked perfect for party nights.