Thomas Cruise Mapother IV is an American actor who was born in NYC, U.S. Cruise has been a part of some really big films and blockbusters and is one of the highest-paid actors in the film industry. Tom is one of the finest actors in Hollywood and has always amazed his fans with his remarkable and unforgettable acting skills and roles.
When it comes to his roles, Thomas played some really challenging and different roles, the actor is super talented and versatile. The actor takes extra efforts to prepare and to deliver his character perfectly in the movie.
Tom went completely unrecognizable for his role in the movie Tropic Thunder. The movie was released in the year 2008 starring stars like Tom Cruise, Robert Downey Jr., Ben Stiller, and Jack Back.
Tom played the role of Les Grossman, a psycho movie producer. Tom’s role in the movie was hilarious and the star delivered an outstanding performance as always but what was really different and impressive about this role, in particular, was that Tom went through a makeup transformation for this role.
The cruise was completely unrecognizable as Les Grossman. The actor wore a skull cap, prosthetic fat hands, and a hairy chest mat. Not many people were able to recognize Tom due to this makeup transformation. Tom looked completely different but the transformation was perfect for the role he played, the transformation gave a Hollywood scumbag look to Tom that the creators of the movie were looking for.
Have a look at the drastic makeup transformation of Tom Cruise