Bhojpuri actress Monalisa sizzles internet once again with her saucy look on social media. The actress took to her Instagram handle to share a ravishing fashion do, as she picked up on a sheer olive-green camisole top and parrot green pencil skirt. The actress flaunted her gorgeous curvaceous body in the pictures, leaving fans baffled.
In the pictures, that the actress shared, we can see her wearing the stunning formal adorn, teaming it up with mid-parted wavy hairdo, smokey green eyes and nude lips. Decking it up with her ever gorgeous smile, the actress left her fans straight away stunned with the new bold look.
Sharing the lovely pictures, Monalisa captioned the pictures with green leaf emojis in the caption.
Here take a look-
One wrote, “Looking so hottt” along with fire emojis.
Another commented, “You are saying everyday with ur hotness sensuality and voluptuous looks”
A third user commented, “Hottie Hottie”