The dashing actor Bonny Sengupta celebrated his birthday in grand style on Friday night, courtesy of his lovely lover Koushani Mukherjee. The party, which kicked off as soon as the clock struck 12, was attended by Bonny’s mother, Piya Sengupta, who looked stunning in a black and gold designer dress. Koushani, on the other hand, turned heads in a black halter-neck gown.

Bonny Sengupta Celebrates Birthday in Style with Lover Koushani Mukherjee and Family 912803

As the celebration unfolded, Bonny was seen cutting multiple cakes surrounded by his loved ones. Koushani had meticulously planned the party and showered Bonny with numerous gifts, including a brand belt, money bag, and hat. However, the actor’s most prized gift was a brand-new mobile phone he had bought himself.

The party was a testament to the love and affection that Bonny and Koushani share. The couple was seen exchanging tender moments, with Bonny’s mother, Piya, joining in to shower her love and blessings. The festivities continued late into the night, with Bonny’s family and friends in attendance.

Bonny Sengupta Celebrates Birthday in Style with Lover Koushani Mukherjee and Family 912804

Interestingly, Bonny’s parents, Anup Sengupta, and Piya Sengupta, also celebrated their son’s birthday at home, with Piya cooking a delicious spread of rice, dal, fried fish, and sweets. The actor’s father and mother wanted to make the day special for their son despite Koushani throwing a party for him. This intimate family celebration added a touch of warmth to the grand affair.

As Bonny celebrates another year of life, fans are eagerly waiting for his marriage to Koushani. When asked about their wedding plans, Bonny revealed that he wants to tie the knot in 2025, as he had mentioned earlier. With their unwavering love and commitment to each other, Bonny and Koushani are setting new benchmarks for relationships in the entertainment industry, inspiring many with their strong bond.