Ranveer Singh took to his Instagram handle to share the celebratory achievement of his life with his fans. The actor could be seen posing with his hard-earned Étoile d’or Award at the film festival, he attended recently.
In the rundown of the pictures that Singh shared from the film festival, we can spot the Bajirao actor in some of his best moods forward. In the pictures, captured from different angles, we can see him smiling in pride as he bags the prestigious award Étoile d’or Award at film festival. What we also liked about him more, is how stunning he looked in his embellished maroon sherwani.
Sharing the picture, as he receives Étoile d’or Award, the actor wrote an overwhelming note in the caption too. Singh wrote, “Cinema is a unifying force! I feel immensely honoured that my work has transcended cultural and geographical boundaries, and has earned me such love and recognition in beautiful Morocco ?? I’m overwhelmed with gratitude! ? Thank you to the Marrakech International Film Festival for bestowing me with the prestigious Étoile d’or Award! ?? Proud to be an ambassador for my culture and represent Indian Cinema on the world stage! ? ?? @marrakechfilmfestival”
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