Tapsee has also established herself as a style icon in the current fashion world. The Rashmi Rocket actress is known for wearing classic costumes with a modern touch, like sarees with denim jackets or brocade ball gowns. Her go-to stylist Devki B’s ensembles, which are typically the talk of the town due to their unusualness, have helped her make quite a name for herself.

Taapsee wore a strapless brocade gown constructed from scraps for an awards presentation last year, designed by Ashwin Thiyangarajan specifically for the Thappad actor. It had a corset-style top that unfolded into a dramatic, flared skirt and was paired with strappy gold stilettos and elegant earrings.

While promoting Rashmi Rocket, the actress wore another modern ensemble that included a basic black crop top teamed with matching high-waisted, loose corduroy leggings. A bold embroidered floral jacket and a pair of black kolhapuri slippers added an ethnic twist to this ensemble.

Taapsee maintained her Indian origins even while traveling. The actress wore a modest cotton white and gold saree with a blue top and oxidised silver bangles on the international seas! White shoes and cat-eye sunglasses added an odd yet modern edge to her look that only Taapsee could carry off.

No dress is too daring for the actress, who will be seen next in Looop Lapeta. She posed in a traditional three-piece black suit worn over a fresh white shirt, teaching us about androgynous dressing. She looked smart with black dress shoes and wild locks pushed back.

Taapsee believes that having time off is essential for someone who works around the clock. While on vacation, she wore a vibrant Varun Bahl co-ord set that included a colorful bralette, flared slacks, and a matching shrug that added a dash of color to the light blue background.