Ranveer and Deepika have had quite an extraordinary love story and a storybook wedding that Bollywood fans can’t forget for a long time to come. Ranveer confesses to having fallen in love with the diva at Zee Cine Awards, back in 2012. The same year they both were cast for Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Ram-Leela, which kept us wondering if there was more to that energetic, on-screen chemistry of both these talented actors.

Deepika Padukone recently said that Ranveer is quite different than what he appears in public. She also added that Ranveer is a family man, and right from his childhood days, he was taught the importance of home, a home she was seeking for herself, ever since she arrived in Mumbai.

Deepika and Ranveer have proven that when the right person walks into your life, you should really grab onto them! They have been by each other’s corner ever since they fell in love and don’t let any moment pass without expressing it to each other.

From, appearing as Deepika’s husband in a cameo in Finding Fanny, to protecting her from violent controversies of Padmaavat, here are all the cute moments of Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone.
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Proposing Deepika at an award ceremony, with his Bollywood bro Arjun standing there to bless the lovely couple!

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Chasing her with a rose, because she is a lady who deserves that and much more!

Protecting her from the crowd, like a true gentleman:

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A surprise hug and my is Ranveer Singh pleasantly surprised

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PDA on TV, because they’d still look cute doing it!

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Time and again, DeepVeer have proven that they were meant to end up together and their heart-melting moments have given us couple goals on a whole other level.