Tiger Shroff has established himself in the Bollywood industry and with his recent release, Student of the Year 2, fans went crazy over this actors acting and above all, his dancing moves. With many upcoming movies in his kitty, we bring to you the fitness mantra that Tiger Shroff follows and what is the secret behind is perfectly toned body, and agility:

– He started his fitness routine and eating correct at a very early age and starting young has definitely given him brownie points

– There is no day that goes by when Tiger Shroff doesn’t hit the gym. One of the most important mantras he has is consistency  in working out and it’s very vital.

– He takes his workout seriously and ensures that he keeps his body fat percentage low- this aids a lot in gaining the perfect six-pack abs.

– Right from practising gymnastics to martial arts and from doing push-ups and high kicks to performing cardio exercises in the gym, Tiger Shroff has aced it all

– Tiger Shroff also makes it a point to work-out on different parts of his body individually to be holistically fit. He focuses on various exercises for his back, chest, legs, arms, shoulders, abs and even mixed on one day of the week

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Above all the gymming and fitness regimes, it is a very well-known fact that Tiger Shroff also loves adrenaline pumping activities and plays football. He is a super talented actor but his physique and dedication towards a good and fit life is what we love the most. Tiger Shroff, without a doubt, has the hottest abs in the industry but we know how much hard-work and dedication goes behind it, and he has definitely become an inspiration to the youth of today.