Ever since her debut, the beautiful diva from Bollywood has shined on the big screen and made some serious stylish statements. We have been drooling over her beauty and elegance! In all these years she has achieved whatever she dreamt of as an actress, and that includes her desire to work with some of the finest directors, she came a long way! Her looks have stolen many hearts.
But that came along with many awkward moments on the screen and off-screen, some of them are as follows-
As per the reports in Stress BusterDeepika Padukone’s stadium catch was one of the biggest things we had ever seen. We still remember the ongoing match and that’s where she hugged Siddharth Mallya. It was not known to anyone until she pulled this stunt in the middle of a T20 match!
Ranbir Kapoor and Deepika Padukone may be best friends and are very close after their breakup, but the duo gave us some amazing moments to look upon. While chatting in Koffee With Karan, Deepika Padukone said – ‘he should feature in a condom advertisement.’ And this did not go well with Ranbir’s father, Rishi Kapoor! His anger was expressed towards her with a comment!
Now her husband and co-star Ranveer Singh’s on-screen lip-lock with Deepika Padukone was one of the best things that ever happened, as this is the cause they started dating and today are one of the hottest Jodis in Bollywood.