Disha Patani was recently spotted at an event as she graced the show in a stunning off-shoulder black mini dress. The actress looked stunning as she teamed the look with her wavy hairstyle and kept her eyes minimal with glossy pink lips. She further rounded it off with strappy black heels.
However, while we definitely couldn’t give a side eye to her exotic look in the row, her fuller bigger lips than usual caught netizens’ eyes on social media, and they flooded with troll comments in the videos that went viral all across.
Take a look-
View Instagram Post 1: Disha Patani Bashed By Netizens Due To Her Lips: Checkout
One wrote, “Botox lag raha hai zyada ho gaya lips pe?” Another user commented, “What happened to her lips.” A third user commented, “Lips ki sargeri karwa ke achchi nhi lag rhi tum Disha patani.” A fourth user commented, “cheek filler krva liya kya ?.phle achi thi.” As quoted by Koi Moi.