Disha Patani, the action queen of Bollywood has now shared some special moments from her favourite Anime series on her social media handle, as she kept her Sundays sorted with the series. The actress earlier shared her love for the series Naruto with her fans. And this one proves how truly she is a fan of Anime cartoons.
The actress shared the pictures on her Instagram stories, writing, “one of the best series ever” along with star emojis. She further added pictures, along with love heart emojis from the series on her Instagram handle.
Here take a look-
On the work front, the actress was last seen in the movie Ek Villain Returns alongside Arjun Kapoor, Tara Sutaria and John Abraham. The actress gave off sheer performance on board, given the other trio’s stellar action sequences in the following.
Apart from that, the actress has also worked in other films too, however, the besides her acting chops, the actress is also quite popular for her fitness routines and Martial Arts interest.