Actors always give it all while they work on a movie. The job of an actor is to get into the shoes of their characters and act out their roles to perfection. But some actors take this one step further! Sometimes stars get so immersed into their role that it gets difficult to break character! Check out these 6 stars who couldn’t get out of character:
1) Jack Nicholson:
Jack Nicholson, in the chilling horror movie, The Shinning has completely immersed himself into his role as a withdrawing alcoholic, Jack Torrance. He got so into character that his co-star, Shelley Duvall who played the role of his wife showed genuine fear during filming, as per a Collider report.
2) Joaquin Phoenix:
Joaquin “Pheonix is a well-known actor with quite a prestigious career. He has taken on quite a few challenging roles over the years. For his movie, Walk the Like, the actor learned to sing and play the guitar as his role was that of a music legend Johnny Cash, as per a Collider report. Most of the recorded vocals were his. He refused to respond to any name other than J.R. during production.
3) Kate Winslet:
The actress won an Academy Award for her movieThe Reader where she plays the role of Hanna Schmitz, an ex-nazi guard. Before and even during production, she talked with a german accent be it on set or at home, according to a Collider report.
4) Heath Ledger:
Heath Ledger’s portray of the Gotham villain is one of the best! This performance of Joker is an icon! While Joaquin Pheonix lost weight for his role, Heath Ledger isolated himself from society, as per a Collider report. He locked himself in a hotel for a month with only his journal and his thoughts!
5) Anne Hathaway:
According to a Collider report, for her musical, Les Miserables, the actress lost around 25lbs for the filming started. Midway through a scene, she also agreed to cut her hair off for her character.
6) Leonardo Decaprio:
This prolific actor is quite hyperfocused on his roles while on set. According to a Collider report, while on the sets of Django Unchained, the actor accidentally cut his hand on glass after he slammed his hand on the table. He however kept going and used the gushing blood to his advantage. He got several stitches later.
What are your thoughts on these actors and their dedication to their work? Let us know in the comments below!
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