Tamannaah Bhatia, the South Indian actress has impeccable taste in fashion. In fact, she has a really vibrant wardrobe and is often spotted in some amazing outfits that always leave everyone’s mind blown! Take a look at this collection of bottom wear from Tamannaah Bhatia’s Instagram wardrobe ranging from multicolored to solid!

She was once styled in a lovely multi-colored skirt. The appearance was styled with a white shirt, a skirt with white, pink, and blue skirt paired with a pair of tan pumps. On a different occasion, she was styled in a vibrant sporty look. She wore a puffy colorful jacket with eccentric patterns, a matching tight-fit bottom, a black top, and trendy white sneakers. She styled it with gold hooped earrings.

She once stepped out in a lovely checkered pant suit which she styled with a pint crop top. She finished the look with clear sandals and a cute barrette. She once styled herself in a gorgeous blue top paired with a blue and black plaid pencil skirt. She once posed in a metallic grey striped pantsuit. It looked great on the actress.

She once wore a lovely hot pink ruffle crop top with a pair of matching solid flared pants. On a different occasion, she was spotted in a unique pantsuit with one long sleeve and straps on the other side. The top was designed to be a fit and flow. She wore the top with a pair of fitted trousers and glam heels. She also has a couple of solid skirts as well.

Take a look at Tamannaah Bhatia’s vibrant collection of bottom wear here and let us know in the comments what you think of this apparel!

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