Game of Thrones, the popular TV show has given us quite a few exciting performances by the talented stars that are acting in it. Emilia Clarke is the English actress that played the stunning role of Khalisi and Daenerys Targaryen in the series. There have been quite a few scenes delivered by the actress that left everyone in awe. Here are the top 5 Emilia Clarke’s scenes.
1) Destroying King’s Landing:
While there have been quite a few qualms about the show’s final season, Clarke still delivered her part excellently. After Daenerys swiftly takes hold of King’s Landing, she decides to destroy the capital city. She looks over the capital from a place on her dragon’s back. She soon realizes that the feat was too easy and that they must pay a higher price. This bloodlust transforms her character right at the end.
2) The execution of Meereeneese Noblemen:
While this scene doesn’t play a huge role in the show itself, it does show Clarke’s acting prowess! While the scene itself is horrifyingly amazing, it gets even better! This speech during this scene was improvised in High Valyrian by Clarke. While it was supposed to be in English, they decided that it would pack more punch if done in Valyrian. Clarke wrote and memorized the speech in 20 minutes and delivered it with precision.
3) Sir Jorah ha the Greyscale:
The Dragon Queen and Sir Jorah have quite a complex relationship. She exiles him twice for his actions. When he returns once again, she is quite happy to meet him. But the scene meets as a sad end when he reveals that he has Greyscale. She tells him to find a cure and reunite with her while fighting back tears. It was quite an emotional scene.
4) A Dragon is not a slave:
This scene is one of the most satisfying ones. She’s at Astapor, where Daenerys ‘trades’ Drogon for legions of Unsullied warriors. She delivers a guttural speech of anger in fluent Valerian. She commands the Unsullied for the first time in Valyrian which leaves Kraznys shocked. Dracarys turned the vile man into ash. It is quite the scene as the dragon fire erupts from behind Daenerys.
5) Emerging from the pyre:
This is one of the pivotal scenes in the show, especially for Daenerys. The commotion before the deed, the emotional speech, and the calm air that follows as she walks into the pyre is quite powerful. Hours later, Jorah approached the pyre where she is curled. She looks up with no emotion and pride with baby dragons around her. It’s a fantastic scene.
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