The very popular Actor Shah Rukh Khan and Designer Gauri Khan’s daughter has turned 21 this year. The star kid Suhana Khan is in the limelight for her debut in the industry but today she is in the headlines for her trending Generation Z fashion choices. She has an impeccable fashion sense that is a perfect blend of beautiful dresses and comfortable outfits.
Suhana is BFF with Fashion trenders like Ananya Panday and Shanaya Kapoor. And so to make you aware of the fashion icons of this generation we have Suhana Khan’s wardrobe of stunning outfits.
Suhana Khan’s Stunning wardrobe Outfits.
1) Suhana Khan’s endless charm in a pastel green body fit Cut-out dress with her flying hairs and pink lips. See pics
2) The Star kid Suhana Khan stunning in a bright orange one-shoulder bodycon dress in her birthday post on Instagram. See pics
3) Suhana’s summer style in blue wide-leg denim and a black full sleeve crop top, hair tied in a bun with some flix around the forehead.
4) Suhana’s shining sunny appearance in black chic leather pants and brown skinny top with silky hair flying in the air, bold and funky handbag. See pic
These are some of Suhana Khan’s wardrobe for Gen-Z.
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