Allu Arjun is a Telugu superstar and has worked in quite a few hits till now. The 38-year-old actor recently celebrated his birthday on the 8th of April. His schedule was packed with celebration with his family, co-stars, and his fans.
He took a vacation from work and spent the first week of April with his family. Not only spending time but celebrating the birthday of his son Allu Ayaan. The whole family took a trip to a beautiful beach and spent their time there enjoying and celebrating with the father and son who share the same birthday month. On the 3rd of April, the family celebrated the youngest member of the Allu family’s birthday.
Allu Arjun posted the family portrait of them on the beach with the caption ‘Ayaan Birthday Fam Jam’
View Instagram Post 1: Glimpse From Allu Arjun's Birthday Celebration
His next project, his much-awaited movie, Pushpa is set to release in August. Allu Arjun and his other co-stars have been working hard to promote the movie and build up hype around them. On the 7th, he attended a teaser launch for his movie. The actor spent the evening before his birthday surrounded by his co-stars and his fans. He later posted a picture appreciating his fans!
View Instagram Post 2: Glimpse From Allu Arjun's Birthday Celebration
His wife posted her birthday wishes on her social media. She posted pictures as well as posted on her Insta story wishing him a happy birthday with a cute ‘we love you’ at the bottom. She also shared the photo of his cake in her story.
View Instagram Post 3: Glimpse From Allu Arjun's Birthday Celebration
While it was a busy time the actor had a good time with his family, friends, and fans.