Daniel Radcliffe is the English actor who played the lead role of Harry Potter in the Harry Potter movies series based on the books titled with the same name. The Harry Potter fandom is quite a big one! If you are a Potter’s head and are looking for some movie recommendations with Daniel Radcliffe starring in the movies, check out this list:
1) Imperium (2016):
Rotten Tomato Score: 85%
This is the movie for you if you’re looking for a crime thriller! This dramatic thriller follows Nate Foster, played by Daniel Radcliffe, an FBI agent who goes undercover into the dark underworld of white supremacists expose as a high-level terrorist plot.
2) Kill Your Darling (2013):
Rotten Tomato Score: 76%
If dark academia is something that you’re interested in then this is a movie you surely know of! Kill your Darling, is based on the true events of the Beat Generation poet Allen Ginsburg(Daniel Radcliffe), as well as other writers like Willian Burroughs (Ben Foster) and Lucien Carr (Dane DeHaan) based during the years they spent at Columbia University in the early ’40s.
3) What If (2014):
Rotten Tomato Score: 74%
There are quite a few people who enjoy romantic comedies. This rom-com follows the medical-school dropout Wallace (Radcliffe) who is just recovering from a string of bad relationships. Enter, Chantry (Zoe Kazan). They immediately hit it off! But Chantry reveals that she has a long-term boyfriend, ‘Ben’ (Rafe Spall).
4) Escape from Pretoria (2020):
Rotten Tomato Score: 73%
This drama is based on a true story. The story revolves around Tim Jenkins who was imprisoned and a political prisoner during the apartheid era. He plots an escape from the Pretoria Central Prison.
5) Swiss Army Man (2016):
Rotten Tomato Score: 72%
The movie follows Hank (Paul Danno) who gets stranded on an island. Just as he is about to give up all hope, he watches a body wash ashore. He calls the corpse, Manny (Radcliffe). Hank and Manny share a close connection that brings Manny back to life. This movie has quite a bit of odd twists and turns. It might not be everyone’s cup of tea but it is worth a watch!
6) My Boy Jack:
Rotten Tomato Score: 71%
This is yet another true story. The movie follows Rudyard (David Haig) and Caroline Kipling (Kim Cattral) as they desperately look for their son, Jack (Radcliffe) after he goes missing during World War I. It is overflowing with overwhelming emotions and will get you in the feels.
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